Wednesday, 30 November 2011

Using Jstat with the CMS Collector

Several months back I was investigating high CPU utilisation on a customer system. One factor that I noticed was that the Concurrent Mark Sweep garbage collector on one of the Java 5 JVMs seemed to be using 100% of a CPU for much of the day. Checking the GC log file, I found that during this period the CMS collector was running almost continuously.

We also use jstat to monitor the GC behaviour because its output is much easier to interpret than the GC log. Jstat showed total GC times much lower than those shown in the GC logs. I also noticed that the number of 'full GCs' reported by jstat frequently increased by two or a larger even number and that odd numbers appeared only rarely and for short periods of time.

So what does this mean? Why does jstat apparently disagree with the information from the GC logs and why does it seem to report that full collections occur in pairs?

Although I've never seen the answer documented anywhere (no doubt some kind soul will now point it out to me), I had a hunch that I knew what it was. My theory was that jstat was reporting just the application pause time, not the total execution time of the collector.

So I set out to try to prove or disprove my theory by running a simple test application to exercise the java heap and collecting both the GC log file (-verbose:gc -XX:+PrintGCDetails -Xloggc:gc.log) and the jstat (-gcutil -t) output for comparison.

I also did a little reading about the CMS collector to help me to identify the application pause time in the logs. This told me that each CMS cycle causes two application pauses - one for the 'initial mark' phase and one for the 'remark' phase.

Here is the jstat output:-

E:\source\memstress>jstat -gcutil -t 3136 10s

13.4 0.00 0.00 58.11 43.79 9.73 8 0.440 0 0.000 0.440
23.5 0.00 0.00 3.35 72.78 9.77 15 0.848 6 0.078 0.926
33.5 0.00 0.00 37.99 72.60 9.77 16 0.896 12 0.313 1.208

So between 13.4 seconds and 23.5 seconds of uptime, jstat reports 0.078s of full GC time.
The GC log is too verbose to reproduce here, even for this simple test, but the relevant messages for the pause phases were:-

15.410: [GC [1 CMS-initial-mark: 223173K(408576K)] 223672K(524224K), 0.0001739 secs]

[1 CMS-remark: 245213K(408576K)] 329218K(524224K), 0.0307485 secs]
19.074: [GC [1 CMS-initial-mark: 274783K(408576K)] 276925K(524224K), 0.0001132 secs]
[1 CMS-remark: 274783K(408576K)] 335949K(524224K), 0.0313580 secs]
21.232: [GC [1 CMS-initial-mark: 287928K(408576K)] 287928K(524224K), 0.0001128 secs]
[1 CMS-remark: 310245K(408576K)] 314122K(524224K), 0.0157990 secs]

So there were three CMS collection cycles in the tenured generation during the 10 second interval covered by the second line of jstat output. This corresponds to six pauses, which is what jstat reports as the 'Full GC count'.

Adding up the pause times, I reached a figure of 0.0779 seconds which agrees nicely with the 0.078 seconds reported by jstat.

So… when used with the CMS collector, jstat seems to report the number of application pauses for garbage collection and the amount of time for which the application was paused. The pause time will probably be much lower than the total amount of GC execution time.

Monday, 31 October 2011

Things That go Dead in the Night

Happy Halloween.

This post will be brief. Many people will think that it's a statement of the obvious but it's amazing how much time can be wasted on issues like this, especially in large organisations.

Sometimes we see systems behave rather strangely during performance tests and the teams managing the tests can sometimes be very inventive in their explanations of the issue. This particular issue has crossed my desk a couple of times (too many) in recent weeks and has been presented as 'a strange unexplained issue', 'file corruption', 'network issue' or 'SAN failure'.

Without building up any further mystery or invoking the supernatural, the answer was simple - the file system was allowed to become full. This can cause all sorts of interesting and varied problems to your system and the execution of any tests. In some cases it will fail completely, in others it might continue almost without anything appearing to be wrong and there are any number of variations in between these extremes.

One common factor is that it is quite normal for there to be no helpful error message like 'disk full' visible because often the file system that becomes full is the one being used to write the log file. This is where the creativity comes into play - people don't see an obvious error, so their imagination gets to work.

Scheduled housekeeping and other such automated cleanup solutions can add to the fun because they can sometimes free up space before somebody notices the problem... so then people may tell you that they are certain that the disk wasn't full because it isn't full now.

So if your test goes dead in the night, either temporarily or permanently, please do check your disk space monitoring (you do monitor your disk space utilisation don't you?). Alternatively, scrutinise your log files very carefully - are there any strange 'silent' periods that should contain messages?

Don't have Nightmares.

Wednesday, 28 September 2011

And the Second Prize Goes To...

I've written here before about the virtues of Eclipse MAT for doing heap analysis but I recently encountered a situation in which I couldn't persuade it to give me the answers that I really needed.

I was analysing a set of heap dumps from an application and MAT's leak suspects report showed me that circa 300Mb of heap space was being retained by a single object. The object in question was a metadata manager, so it was well known that this object would retain a big chunk of heap space. This overhead was fixed size, and so not really of interest. The report categorised everything else in a single bucket as 'other', which wasn't much help.

I really needed to know about the most significant objects that were retaining space outside of the retained set of the metadata manager. While it's possible to explore around using MAT views like the histogram and come up with some answers, I didn't feel that this was a very methodical approach and it would be quite easy to miss something important.

I realised that the problem could be helped by applying a little simple set theory - what we are interested in is how a histogram or retained set looks after subtracting the retained set of the number one leak suspect. This is very simple to do, but very repetitive - an ideal job for a script, so that's what I wrote.

So at the bottom of the post is a perl script that will read two files saved as CSV from either the MAT histogram or retained set views and print the result of the subtraction in CSV format to its output. Some views don't automatically calculate the retained size, so you need to select the rows and ask MAT to do at least the minimal retained set calculation before saving the CSV. If you only speak Windows, then you can use the script by installing a suitable perl implementation - I usually use ActiveState's ActivePerl.

I managed to use this quite successfully. I started by subtracting the retained set of the metadata manager from the overall histogram. By continuing to subtract more 'suspects' from the result, I was able to identify the second, third and fourth placed consumers of heap space in my dump files, which I felt was going far enough.

Finally, the script... unfortunately Blogger doesn't seem to allow attachments.

# perl script to subtract one Java retained set from another.
# Retained sets or histograms can be saved in CSV format from Eclipse MAT
# The retained size is required, so ask MAT to calculate it if it is missing
# usage: perl .csv .csv [.csv]...
# Andy Carlson
# September 2011
use strict;

my ($basefile) = shift;
my (%count,%shallow,%retained,%loaders);
my ($lineno) = 0;

# read the baseline histogram
open (HIN,$basefile) || die;
while () {
next if ($lineno == 1);
next if (!$_);
my ($class,$count,$shallow,$retained) = split (/,/);

if (!$retained && ($retained ne '0')) {
warn "warning: no retained size for $class at $basefile line $lineno - skipping remainder of file";

$count{$class} += $count;
$shallow{$class} += $shallow;
$retained{$class} += $retained;
close HIN;

# now read one or more retained sets and subtract from the base histogram
while (1) {
my ($rsetfile) = shift;
last if (!$rsetfile);
open (HIN,$rsetfile) || die;
$lineno = 0;
while () {
next if ($lineno == 1);
next if (!$_);
my ($class,$count,$shallow,$retained) = split (/,/);
if (!$retained && ($retained ne '0')) {
warn "warning: no retained size for $class at $rsetfile line $lineno - skipping remainder of file";
$count{$class} -= $count;
$shallow{$class} -= $shallow;
$retained{$class} -= $retained;
close HIN;

# produce the output
print "class,objects,shallow heap,retained heap,loaders\n";
my ($class);
foreach $class (sort keys (%loaders)) {
print "$class,$count{$class},$shallow{$class},$retained{$class},$loaders{$class}\n";

Thursday, 18 August 2011

Why does a query change plans when the stats have not changed?

I was recently asked to investigate a performance issue on one of our customer's production systems. Some comparative analysis of AWR reports between 'good' and 'bad' periods showed that the queries being run by the part of the application that had problems were circa 50% slower but what really caught my attention was an unrelated query that had jumped from about 8th place in the AWR response time 'offenders' list up to first place. It was also accounting for huge amounts of logical I/O and a fair bit of physical I/O.

Looking in more detail at this query we got AWR SQL reports that showed its performance during the 'good' and 'bad' periods. These showed that a different plan was in use during the 'bad' period. This plan had a table scan whereas the other plan used an index lookup. It has to be said though that neither plan can have been all that great - if the index plan was 'good' then the query shouldn't have been in the AWR top 10 offenders list at all.

So we knew that the query was changing plans. We've seen this problem before and the usual first step is to go and check the statistics on the table. We did this and found that the stats were just over a week old (i..e not really 'stale') and that they had not changed at all between the 'good' and 'bad' periods of performance.

So, that brought us back to the frequently asked question 'why does a query change plans when the stats have not changed?'. Richard Foote has written a good article about this and suggests one explanation…

We did some more checking and proved to ourselves that Richard's explanation (that the data being queried is newer than the histograms in the table stats so the optimizer can't get a good cost estimate) did not fit our situation.

Sometimes our data was older than the stats, sometimes newer. In principle then, Richards explanation might fit. We checked the AWR data for this query manually over the past several days. In each AWR snapshot period we found that there was just one plan and that the plan seemed to be stable for more than 12 hours before switching again. This didn't fit Richard's explanation - the application would typically be hitting a mix of older and newer data so we should see both plans being used during the same period.

We shifted over to a test system and found a couple of key values - one that would access data that was older than the stats and one newer. The shared pool was flushed before each test to force Oracle to 'forget' any previous decisions about the plan. We found that both the older and the newer key values would choose the index plan in spite of the lack of histogram data for the newer key value.

We then looked in more detail at the query and how the application used it. We found that it was being used to query a relationship that had very variable cardinality. Sometimes it would find just 2 or 3 related objects, other times (by design) it would find tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands. We then tried testing using key values that would find low cardinality against ones with high cardinality. When we picked the high cardinality key we found that it picked the table scan plan - so there was the initial answer to the question…

  • Q: 'why does a query change plans when the stats have not changed?'
  • A: 'because the optimizer uses bind variable peeking and can quite correctly decide on different plans because different key values result in large differences in cardinality'

The snag was that the results of our earlier AWR queries also meant that this was not the full explanation of our problem - if bind variable peeking was the full explanation then we should see both plans being used during each snapshot.

We did some more tests and discovered that if we ran the high cardinality test first and then ran the low cardinality keys immediately afterwards (without flushing the shared pool), the low cardinality key would also use the table scan plan (and run slowly). We could also reverse the two tests and cause the high cardinality key to use the index lookup plan.

The Oracle documentation seems to provide the explanation for this…

"On subsequent invocations of the cursor, no peeking takes place, and the cursor is shared, based on the standard cursor-sharing criteria, even if subsequent invocations use different bind values"

So basically if the two queries pass the cursor sharing test (which in our case they would) then bind variable peeking is only done for the first run of the query and the optimizer assumes that the plan is good for any subsequent invocations.

So what was happening in our production system was that…
  • Usually the low cardinality query would run and cause the optimizer to choose the index lookup plan.
  • Sometimes the query would be evicted from the library cache by other activity
  • If the query is not in the library cache and the next run of the query has a high cardinality, the optimizer will choose the table scan plan
  • All subsequent invocations of the query would then use the table scan plan until the query was again evicted from the library cache. For low cardinality queries this resulted in the performance issue that we saw.
There are probably lots of potential solutions to this. SQL hints and Oracle 11 SQL profiles spring to mind. In our case upgrading to Oracle 11 or changing the application were not practical so we created a new composite index that covered more of the 'where' clause and would persuade the optimizer to choose an index lookup regardless of whether the cardinality was high or low.

Friday, 29 July 2011

Handy OQL Recipies

I've posted a few times previously on the subject of Java heap analysis and related tools. My current tool of choioce is Eclipse MAT.

MAT provides a number of very useful features to allow users to quickly get an overview of what is happening in a heap dump and in many cases to identify the objects responsible for memory leaks. Sometimes, however, these are not enough. There are also situations where I need to ask the same question about multiple heap dumps without the need to go through multiple steps of navigation. This is where Object Query Language (OQL) can be very helpful.

For those who are unfamiliar with it, OQL is (as its name suggests) a language similar to SQL but intended to query collections of objects instead of rows in a database. The MAT project has chosen to implement OQL as a way to perform targeted queries on the objects in a heap dump.

You can find plenty of good documentation with MAT to help you to understand OQL syntax, but I found that there was rather a shortage of examples, so I thought it would be a good idea to post some here. These are all real queries that I have used to diagnose memory consumption issues (and leaks) on real projects. This does, of course, mean that the examples are biased towards the products I use most frequently - Oracle, WebLogic and some open source libraries.

After running these queries, it is often a good next step to ask MAT to calculate the retained size for each entry in the list. Then the results can be saved as a CSV file for further analysis using your favourite spreadsheet application.

JDBC object leaks are a regular cause for concern, so here are some queries to help...

SELECT toString(s.sqlObject.oracle_sql) FROM oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CCallableStatement s
SELECT toString(s.sqlObject.oracle_sql) FROM oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CPreparedStatement s
SELECT toString(poolname), lastSuccessfulConnectionUse,destroyed FROM weblogic.jdbc.common.internal.ConnectionEnv

The first two relate to JDBC statement leaks. Both are basically the same but they work on different types of statement. They may also be useful for result set leaks because the result set tends to hold a reference back to the statement. The third one provides a picture of JDBC connections in a WebLogic connection pool. In particular, it is useful to see which connections have not been used for a long time.

Another WebLogic JDBC Example...

SELECT stmtCache.list.size, toString(poolname) FROM weblogic.jdbc.common.internal.ConnectionEnv

This query also looks at WebLogic JDBC connections, but in this case it is examining the size of the WebLogic JDBC statement cache. Statement caching is normal behaviour (i.e. not a bug) but it can look a lot like a statement leak and can sometimes cause high levels of heap usage, so needs to be tuned appropriately.

Some non JDBC examples now...

select creationTime from weblogic.servlet.internal.session.MemorySessionData

This one looks at WebLogic sessions. In particular we're interested in any that have been hanging around for a long time.

SELECT toString( FROM weblogic.jms.client.JMSProducer

This query was written to investigate a JMS connection leak. We used it to find some code that was not closing down its JMS API objects correctly.

Finally, a non-WebLogic and Oracle example...

SELECT toString(fDocumentURI), toString( FROM org.apache.xerces.dom.DeferredDocumentImpl

Many applications use XML, so this query looks at XML documents that are being retained in the heap.

I hope that this has given you a quick taste of OQL and that you will get some ideas for queries that will help you to solve other problems.

Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Monitoring Application Locks in Oracle

Oracle provides a variety of forms of locking protection for SQL operations to ensure that correct transactional semantics are provided to applications. Nine times out of ten when looking at issues related to locking, we will be interested in the locking facilities used by SQL, for example by monitoring row lock contention and tracking down which objects are the subject of the contention.

For some purposes, the locking provided by SQL operations does not meet the needs of the application. For these situations, Oracle provides the DBMS_LOCK package which provides application level locking.

This posting describes how to understand application level locking activity from AWR, ASH and other sources of information. It will help you to understand Oracle wait events like 'enq: UL - contention' and diagnose one possible cause of 'missing' response time in which some of the info provided by the Oracle AWR report may not be quite what you would expect.

Locking Strategies

There are two types of strategy that I've encountered when looking at application level locking. The first strategy uses DBMS_LOCK.REQUEST to try to acquire a lock and optionally specify the length of time for which the application is prepared to wait if another session already has the lock.

The second strategy is one that I would call 'polling' in which the application performs a rapid check to try to acquire a shared resource. This may use DBMS_LOCK with a very short timeout or it could (more likely) use a completely different implementation. If the resource cannot be acquired then the application waits using DBMS_LOCK.SLEEP for a period of time before retrying.

Trying it Out

I wanted to be able to run some predictable tests and then look at the results using various monotoring tools. For this purpose, I used some sample code that in the form of a PL/SQL package creates and then acquires an application lock called 'printer_lock' using DBMS_LOCK. I then started two sessions using SQL*Plus. In the first session, I created the lock and acquired it. In the second session I tried again to acquire the same lock which of course caused this session to wait because the lock was held by the other session.

I also added my own procedure to call DBMS_LOCK.SLEEP. In this case I didn't do any real 'locking' - I just wanted to see how a session calling this procedure would show up in the monitoring reports.

Visibility in Performance Reports

AWR can shed light on the wait time for application level locking using DBMS_LOCK.REQUEST. From this we can get a good understanding of whether our application might be getting delayed by application locks.

The first sections that contain information that we're interested are the 'wait class' and 'wait events'. Let's look at the more detailed 'wait events' section first. Here we will see the wait event 'enq: UL - contention' providing details of the total time waited while using APIs such as DBMS_LOCK.REQUEST (but not SLEEP) to acquire a lock. This info is also summarized into the wait class under 'Application'.

If the locking is being executed by PL/SQL code then AWR may also show us the top-level calling PL/SQL procedure in the 'SQL by Elapsed Time' section. The time spent waiting to acquire the lock will be counted in the elapsed time of this procedure.

The ASH report provides similar visibility, again highlighting the same wait event and the calling procedure. It can also provide details of the session that is waiting. Because ASH works by sampling it may give a slightly different picture from that shown by AWR and can be a better tool for some types of problem.

Because the meaning of any locks is application defined, neither AWR nor ASH provide any information regarding the resource that is the subject of any contention. We will look at how to diagnose this later.

For applications using a polling strategy, the visibility is not so good. In fact it would be very easy to miss it completely. The database performance reports seem to assume that time spent in DBMS_LOCK.SLEEP is of little of no interest to the audience of an AWR or ASH report. It is visible in the AWR report as the wait event 'PL/SQL lock timer', but you will need to look carefully to find this event because it appears very low down in the table (possibly right at the end), even if the time waited is very high.

The thing which is perhaps more surprising is that time spend in DBMS_LOCK.SLEEP is not counted in the elapsed time of the calling procedure. This means that for any procedure that sleeps in this way, you can't rely on the elapsed time reported by AWR. The same principle seems to apply to ASH - if the ASH sample catches the procedure sleeping like this then it doesn't seem to register it as a 'hit' on the calling procedure at all. This may make sense to someone looking at a problem from a database infrastructure perspective, but to an application developer looking at an AWR or ASH report it is very counter-intuitive.

System Tables and Views

As I said earlier, neither AWR nor ASH will shed much light on the resources that are the subject of application level locking conflicts. To get any detail on this we will need to query some system tables and views.

The first query looks for user locks. The most interesting columns are CTIME (which I think is the number of seconds since the lock was acquired), the SID which is the session currently holding the lock and ID1 which is used in the second query

SQL> select * from v$lock where TYPE = 'UL';
ADDR KADDR SID TY ID1 ID2 LMODE REQUEST -------- -------- ---------- -- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- CTIME BLOCK ---------- ---------- 1EF3E270 1EF3E29C 35 UL 1073741921 0 6 0 76 0

The second query looks up the lock name using the ID from the previous query. Clearly since we are dealing with application level locking, the meaning of the lock name is application-defined, so you will need to use your knowledge of the application to figure out what it means and whether you can do anything to improve the situation. Note that the 'expiration' column does not relate to the tenure of the lock by any session, but rather the lifetime of this particular application-level lock. It can be set when the lock is created by DBMS_LOCK.ALLOCATE_UNIQUE and defaults to 10 days.

SQL> select * from dbms_lock_allocated where lockid=1073741921;


---------- ---------
1073741921 21-MAY-11

Naturally you could join the two queries, but I will leave that as an exercise for the reader.

Lock Housekeeping

The previous section mentioned the expiration time of an application level lock. In some circumstances this may also have a performance impact for your application. The reason is buried in the following sentence from the Oracle documentation…

"Subsequent calls to ALLOCATE_UNIQUE may delete expired locks to recover space."

The implication of this is that the housekeeping of the dbms_lock_allocated system table can also get mixed up with your application's execution. The system table is indexed only by name but the deletion statement used for housekeeping accesses the table by expiration date so the housekeeping query may cause a performance problem if your application creates a lot of locks with different names.

Here is an example AWR from an application that is being hit by this issue

Thursday, 31 March 2011

Getting the Big Picture from AWR

Oracle AWR reports are one of the first tools that I turn to when I am asked to look at a database performance issue. They contain a huge amount of very useul information and can often lead me straight to the cause of the problem. But sometimes they don't - there are some situations where the data provided by a single AWR report just starts to feel like a whole bunch of meaningless numbers.

The reason for this is simple - some problems don't show up as obviously 'bad' things such as excessive elapsed time, I/O or CPU consumption. We only know what 'bad' looks like if we can also see what 'good' looks like.

Sometimes when I am in this situation the answer is quick and easy - I can identify another time period when performance was 'good', run an AWR and compare the two results. If I have the right Oracle version and sufficient access then I can even ask Enterprise Manager to do it for me.

But there are still some situations where this approach doesn't give a clear answer. Perhaps there are multiple types of workload running and we can't find an obvious time period to use as our 'good' baseline.

There is a third approach that I have used to good effect in these situations - run a set of AWR (and possibly ASH) reports for consecutive time periods (let's say one hour each) and get hold of thansaction throughput and response time stats from your application for the same time periods. Create a simple spreadsheet with the interesting stats - application throughput, response time, database CPU usage, wait events and perhaps some of the performance stats for any queries you suspect. You can then graph how these things vary over time. Looking at a graph like this often helps me to figure out the cause of the problem.

Let's look at an example. The Excel graph below was done to investigate a temporary drop in application throughput that didn't show a very obvious cause in a single AWR due to the level of other activity happening at the same time. Picking 6-7PM as a 'good' period and comparing the 5PM and 6PM AWR reports didn't give a clear answer either.

The graph plots (on the primary axis) the SQL elapsed time as a line and the database CPU and key wait times as a stacked area chart - these should almost add up to the elapsed time. On the secondary axis you can see an orange line showing the drop in throughput at 4PM and 5PM.

So how do we use this graph to find the root cause? - any wait events that are not causing the issue are likely to drop as application throughput drops. A wait event that is causing the issue will probably stay constant or increase. From this graph we can see that row lock contention is the likely cause. We can also see that row lock waits are still significant at other times, which is why comparing just two AWRs didn't give a clear answer in this case.

You can use some clever ways to get the data for the graphs such as querying the AWR views directly or writing a script to parse the AWR report and extract the info. These are fine and dandy if you are ready to do them before you are under pressure to solve the issue. I didn't do either - I just manually typed the info into Excel - it didn't take very long.

Monday, 28 February 2011

Outbound Load Balancing Considered Harmful

When designing clustered WebLogic deployments that use JMS it is usual to introduce load balancing into the JMS infrastructure so that incoming transaction arriving via JMS get distributed evenly across the servers in the cluster. The way that this is done in WebLogic is by creating a distributed destination with an individual physical queue in each member of the cluster. This allows the application components (e.g. EJB Message Driven Beans) to be configured with a single JNDI name so that the same application component can be deployed to every node in the cluster and will continue to work even if a cluster member goes down. Load balancing is enabled via the connection factory settings by specifying that the JMS connection factory should have load balancing enabled and (usually) server affinity disabled. This is usually a good thing.

For outbound messages (e.g. response messages from the same transactions) it is also normal to set up a distributed destination, again so that the application can be written with a single configured JNDI name which will work everywhere in the cluster. It is also possible to use a load balanced connection factory for the outbound messages. I can see no real advantages to using load balancing in this context. Gut feel and colleagues told me that it was a bad idea but until recently I could not point to any proven problems with this setup.

I have now seen an example of a real problem which seems to be happen when outbound load balancing is used…

First a little scene setting. One of the other advantages of clustering is that when we find ourselves facing one of those situations that should not happen and need to restart the application we can do so without making the whole system unavailable by doing a ‘rolling bounce’ in which the cluster members are bounced in turn so that there is never a time when none of them are available.

Recently we received reports of that one of our client systems was occasionally timing out waiting for JMS responses from us. This seemed to be happening in bursts at the same time as we were doing a rolling bounce to resolve an unrelated issue. Checking our database showed that we had processed the transaction and recorded a response message. Checking the logs, however, showed that there had been a problem…

[16/02/11 04:01:48:048 GMT] ABC_COMPONENT ERROR Exception Logger: Caught exception during processing void, Map)
org.springframework.jms.IllegalStateException: [JMSClientExceptions:055076]The session is closed; nested exception is weblogic.jms.common.AlreadyClosedException: [JMSClientExceptions:055076]The session is closed

Collecting up all of the logs from the cluster members showed that these exceptions always happened when one of the other managed servers in the cluster was being bounced. I concluded from this that the outbound messages were being round-robin load balanced across all of the managed servers and that when one server was bounced it caused errors to the applications running on the remaining servers.

Now I think that WebLogic JMS should handle this rather better. I also know that the application’s error handling needs to be improved so that it doesn’t commit the database changes if the JMS response message transmission fails. Nevertheless it does highlight a scenario in which outbound load balancing introduces the possibility of a problem which would not be there if the outbound messages were sent without load balancing.

Conclusion: when using a distributed JMS destination to send outbound messages from a cluster you should use a connection factory with load balancing disabled and server affinity enabled.

Before closing it’s worth observing that outbound load balancing is something that I’ve seen configured on several WebLogic projects and thinking about why this is so…

Most of the projects that I’ve seen have begun life in a non-clustered setup. In such a setup it is usual to use a single JMS connection factory for both inbound and outbound messages. Unless there is some special tuning required then there is no real problem with such a setup. When clustering is introduced the team reads the manual, learns about distributed JMS destinations and creates them. They introduce inbound load balancing by reconfiguring their existing connection factory but stick with the single connection factory setup and overlook the fact that they have also implicitly introduced outbound load balancing.

Monday, 31 January 2011

Dashboards for Production Monitoring

We've been using CA Wily Introscope to monitor one of our production systems for several years. Some dashboards had been developed when the tool was first installed and these have been in use ever since. These dashboards provided useful information, but had been built from a technical perspective and didn't really reflect the way that we usually think about our system. For example, the top level dashboard showed items like 'JMS Subsystem' and 'Java Heap'. When one of these indicated an issue, it wasn't really very clear which service was being impacted… and in some cases whether there was really a problem at all.

Following the experience with Wily for performance test monitoring (see last month's posting) I decided to spend some time creating some new dashboards that were a better match for the way we think about our system - i.e. as a collection of services each one of which might be working well or having some problems. I therefore wanted a top-level dashboard with one traffic light indicator for each of our key services and drill-down into a more detailed dashboard for each individual service to allow problems to be tracked down. I will return to this later.

This posting describes what I wanted to do, what I did and what I learned in the process. It's mostly about Wily but other tools are available so I hope (dear reader) that the principles described would apply reasonably well to a different tool.

Individual Service Dashboards

To figure out whether an individual service is working properly we need to monitor several things…
  • What is the response time of the service and is it within acceptable limits?
  • What is the throughput for the service?
  • For a JMS messaging service, how many messages are sat in the queue?
  • For a JMS service, does the queue have one or more listeners connected?
  • Are there any messages in the error queue?
  • Is the application reporting an abnormal number of errors?
All of the above are available in what Wily terms the 'front end' or in the JMX data for the relevant JMS destination.

Our application is clustered, so in most cases I needed to create a Metric Group to bring together the numbers for a particular metric from each member of the cluster. For most of these I then created an Alert to contain the threshold values that would trigger an amber or red warning.

Sometimes I was able to find a Service Level Agreement (SLA) to set the alert thresholds. In cases where there was no SLA I used the Wily Investigator to get a picture of the average and maximum values for the metric over the past month and set thresholds based on this.

For some metrics (e.g. throughput) it was not appropriate to create an Alert. For the error alerts on our user interface I needed to ask Wily to count how many occurrences happened in a given period of time (e.g. 5 minutes) because in many cases a small error rate is quite normal and acceptable.

The service dashboards typically contain a graph to track the values of each metric across all managed servers plus a traffic light showing the status of the alert. In most cases I found it best to bind the graph to the alert rather than the metric group so that I got an amber and a red line on the graph to show the trigger points for each alert like the example below.

Laying out the dashboards was challenging in some cases and for some more complex services I needed to resort to multiple layers of drill-down to show all of the graphs that were needed. In some cases I did this by having a higher level dashboard with 'throughput', 'response time' and 'queue backlog' panels and providing drill-down to more detailed dashboards from here. For other services it was more appropriate to break the service down into functional elements (sub-services) and provide a second level drill-down dashboard for each of these. Here's an example.

Top Level Dashboards

Wily allows us to combine individual alerts into higher level summary alerts - in multiple tiers if necessary. This is exactly what I did to create the top level dashboard and also for the summary dashboard where I broke things down into sub-services. The top level dashboard with one traffic light per service is shown below. I also added a CPU usage graph below the traffic lights for information (and because there was some free space).

Tricky Things

So far so good, but not everything went totally as I wanted…
  • I couldn't find a way to combine metrics using any kind of logic - for example if I wanted to raise an alert if a queue had zero listeners AND had a non-zero message count.
  • I have not so far found any way to turn cumulative metrics (e.g. events since startup) into a number of events per interval. This would be very useful for some JMX metrics that are only available as a cumulative number.
  • For WebLogic JMS queues it is really necessary to know both the 'current' message count and the 'pending' (i.e. being processed or buffered for delivery) count and to sum these together. It is possible to do this using Wily calculators but this gets complicated in a cluster because we really need a separate calculator per metric per cluster member… which is pretty time-consuming to set up. In practice I have ignored the pending count in most cases - except for those parts of the application where it is really critical.
  • Debugging summary alerts can be a bit tricky - I found one that kept going amber or red on the top level dashboard but after drilling down into the detailed dashboard everything was green. In the end I traced it to a duplicate alert that was misconfigured and not shown on the dashboard but it took a lot of manual checking to track this down.
  • Wily can't 'see' everything. This isn't really a tool issue, but it does mean that 'green' on the Wily dashboard doesn't necessarily mean that everything is fine. For example, some parts of our application keep internal 'transaction queues' in application database tables and other parts use background jobs in the database which may go wrong in interesting ways without Wily having any visibility. The Wily Oracle Agent might help here, but at the moment we don't have it installed.
Future Possibilities

As I said at the beginning, my dashboard is focused on monitoring the services supported by our application. As a result, the dashboards focus on the 'front end' metrics. Wily also provides a lot of visibility of the 'back end' (e.g. JDBC calls into Oracle) and infrastructure (e.g. Java garbage collector behaviour) but none of these are used by my dashboards. I figured that if there is a backend issue then it must have a visible effect on the front end service otherwise it isn't really an issue at all. I would therefore expect the dashboard to detect a problem and flag it as an amber or red condition. It would, of course, be nice to be able to drill down and isolate this problem to the database (or whatever), but I've left that as a possible improvement for the future.